Monday, February 4, 2019

The Champs!!

Looks like ring number 6 is now in the history books.  We had a fun day here with family. Watched yet another game on the edge of our seats.  Fortunately, all our Patriot gear paid off. And although the Pats are not really America's sweethearts, to quote Bill Maher, "In a few weeks, there will finally be some patriots in the White House".  Assuming they choose to go.

Is number 7 in their future?  Stay tuned...

With all that over, it is now time to get to the task at hand.  Let the packing begin!  We leave a week from tomorrow.  Rising at 4 am to catch a 7:30 am flight.  We now have Global Entry.  So we are hoping that will help speed things along.  Very grateful that the government has opened up long enough for us to get out of town.  Let's hope it is still open when we try to get back in.  We return on March 20th.

If I get it together, I will try to post our initial itinerary.  As always, things can change at any given moment.  This year we are able to use a number of the members of the Affordable Travel Club for home stays.  If you are not familiar with it, and are a traveler, I truly recommend this club.  We have been members for years. Our other resource is Go Selfdrive Tours out of Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

They have been extremely helpful with our car rentals, in country flights, safari and adventure bookings, as well as answering any and all questions we have concerning their country.

That's it for today. Lots to do and so little time.

Next time.... Countdown to Cape Town

1 comment:

  1. Yay Pats! And I see this when I logged in, I just didn't get the notification. Happy audition, happy pre-packing and hopefully and easy happy travel day on Tuesday. Can't wait for the pics and info xoxoxo
